It was ok for a first episode...
but it didn't really do much to draw me into the "series".
The voice acting like everyone said blahblah good yea...
Tho the one thing that I couldn't stand was the lip syncing ( try to work on it it more) seems like you did that trick lazy animators use that just repeat the same movements.
You have a good art style but the lack of alot of face expressions make the some characters seem a little bland and doesn't fit the voices but the cartoonish look gave me a comedic impression (this certain animation seemed more serious then your style let on)
Over all the art (background/characterdesign) kept me interested more than the story. sorry It was kinda boring but I understand stories don't start with explosions...unless your Micheal Bay.
*This is all opinion so please don't take any offense to my blunt criticism I'm just trying to help. You probably won't read this anyway becuz it's way to long. ha